Sunday, August 31, 2014

The Baboon

Created on 8/10/2014

I went on a sunrise hike this morning with about 8 other volunteers.  We left town (Okahandja) just before 5am and planned to get to the top of the mountain before the sun came over the horizon.  It was a dark and cold morning before the sun showed up to warm the day. 

Below is a view of the mountain from town.  We have named the mountain “Pride Rock” for obvious reasons. 
Pride Rock
It was really dark when we started up the mountain so everyone had headlamps or flashlights to lead the way.  We followed a road out of town toward our destination.  As the road turned into a narrow path, we searched for the trailhead marked by a rock with white spray paint on it.  When our search for the trailhead failed, we decided bushwhacking was our best option.  This decision got us started up the mountain and we eventually found the trail.  Even on the trail, thorn bushes are difficult to avoid and always catch your clothes.  It’s rough terrain especially in the dark.

About half way up the mountain, we heard a loud noise that sounded like a baboon. It was a loud and deep holler.  It was from nearby and scared the shit out of all of us.  In a complete panic, we started moving up the mountain as fast as we could.  After our initial fear settled, we heard something moving through the bushes behind us and once again increased our pace.  It was still dark and we had no clue what to think.  Not long after, I heard fast paced movement coming up behind me.  Scared out of my mind, I reached for my pocketknife as I turned around and pointed my flashlight towards the noise.  I turned to see Oskar, a fellow volunteer, sprinting toward me through the bush.  I was extremely relieved to find out it was him the whole time.  I still cannot recreate the baboon noise he made but it remains my only reference for what a baboon sounds like.  Turns out, Oskar started following us as we left town but nobody was aware of it.  He quietly followed from behind and patiently planned his prank.  Naturally, Oskar thought he was pretty cool for freaking us out.  What he didn’t realize is that he was only a few moments away from having my pocketknife in his neck.  I wonder what noise he would have made if that had been the outcome?

Disclaimer: The content of this website is mine alone and does not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Government, the Peace Corps, or the Namibian Government.

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